Shaolin Zhang

Hi! I am Shaolin Zhang, a senior at Columbia University. I am majoring in Computer Science with minor in Entrepreneurship. My primary research interest is in distributed and decentralized computing and service-on-edge. I am an active angel investor and have been an investment associate and scout for K2VC, China's top ranking early-stage investment fund.

In February 2016, I co-founded Remix, the first high school lifestyle application in China and finalized an investment at a post-money valuation of $800,000. I also co-founded and co-chaired the largest hackathon in China, THE Hack, in collaboration with ShanghaiTech University.

I am a veteran hackathon participant, setting various records at various hackathons:

  • hack[Shanghai] by New York University Shanghai in October 2015. Admitted as the youngest participant (age 15). Best Hardware Award Recipient.
  • HACKxFDU by Fudan University in October 2016. Admitted as the youngest participant (age 16). Team leader, Finalist and DJI Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award Recipient.
  • Penta Hackathon by Microsoft China and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in November 2016. Admitted as the youngest participant (age 16). Team leader and Finalist Award Recipient.
  • PennApps XV by University of Pennsylvania in January 2017, one of the most prestigious collegiate hackathons in the United States. Admitted as the only minor from China among 800 participants out of over 5,000 applicants. Led the first Chinese international team to compete in the competition. Travel cost reimbursed by PennApps.
  • hack[Nanjing] by China League Hacking and Jiangsu Brand Association in May 2017. Admitted as the youngest participant (age 16). Second Place among all projects.

Shaolin Zhang